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Thigh prompts for gait trainer RIFTON PACER

Thigh prompts for gait trainer RIFTON PACER

De la 2,001 lei

Credit module tbi bank 3.3.9
Category: SKU: 710


Тhigh prompts swing freely with the user’s stride, and prevent leg scissoring while encouraging weight bearing. They are height adjustable in the medial and lateral positions. The inside strap maintains leg separation and the outer curve limits leg abduction.Т

  • Thigh prompts are medially and laterally adjustable
  • The thigh prompt inside strap maintains leg separation
  • The outer curve limits leg abduction
  • Thigh prompts can prevent a client from turning within the Pacer frame
  • Large and small thigh prompts are available

Size 1- maximum leg circumference 38 см, distance from clamp to strap 12.5 см- 20.5 см; suitable for Pacer size 0,1 and 2
Size 2- maximum leg circumference 50 см, distance from clamp to strap 12.5 см- 28 см; suitable for Pacer size 2,3 and 4


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